Every year since its first full year in 2008, the Col. James Wood, II Chapter has marked the graves our patriot ancestors. The Chapter has twice been decorated by the Virginia State Society for sustained grave marking (four year periods).

The Chapter has providing full honors for the recognized patriot, dedicating an official SAR marker, having appropriate prayers read over the grave, memorial wreaths presented, a full 3 musket volley and "Taps or "Amazing Grace" played by trumpet or bagpiper respectively. An effort is made to find, invite and include in the ceremony descendants of the patriot so they can take part in recognizing their patriotic grandfathers. The Chapter has marked two graves per year for the last 3 years and plans to mark three graves in 2018.

If you have a patriot grave that you think should be marked by our Chapter please let us know!

Patriot Jacob Danner